
There are a lot of different residents in Mamorumori forest. Some live there, others are just passing by. However research suggests there are several groups within Mamorumori forest that can be defined! 


Small and round flowers seem to pop up in Mamorumori forest throughout the year. These little creatures listen to the name 'plom'. Most of these ploms are defined by the season they were born in (spring, summer, autumn or winter). They are either springploms, sumploms, auploms or wiploms. You can recognize a plom by its round shape and it often has five petals and two leaves. However this can vary. Not all ploms have been recognised by the Mamorumori Directory yet. A group of Plum Rabbits researches the forest daily and more species are found every year. No plom can be defined by one personality. Every plom seems to be very different, even if they share the same DNA. Ploms often move around four times a year in groups. A plom group often has three to eight members. Plom groups sometimes break apart or members will start their own group. This often seems to happen at the end and the start of a new season. There are ploms being grown by Plum Rabbits in their backyards or in a plant pot. However Plum Rabbits also take care of the ploms that decided to live in a group in the forest. As seasons change quite fast ploms require a lot of attention to keep them healthy. That is why there is a dedicated group of Plum Rabbits in charge of taking care of ploms.


Springploms are most likely born between March 21th and June 21th. There is a wide variety of springploms in Mamorumori forest. Most of these ploms can be recognised by their pastel colors. Light green is often their base color. 


Sumploms are most likely born between June 21th and September 21th. These ploms are very easy to spot due to their bright colors. Most sumploms have a dark green base. However unlike other seasons the sumploms have the most variety on colors out of all the ploms in Mamorumori forest. During summer many flora and fauna visit Mamorumori forest. It is hard to distinguish permanent residents over short stayers.


Auploms are most likely born between September 21th and December 21th. As summer passed by it is the season to change colors quick and clean up. A lot of residents prepare for the winter. Auploms are harder to notice: they tend to blend in the background of the Mamorumori forest. Their bases are often different variations of browns. More often you will see reds, yellows and oranges.


Wiploms are most likely born between December 21th and March 21th. During winter the Mamorumori forest is the least crowded. Most residents tend to stay in and sleep. Wiploms are often asleep and resting their petals and leaves. Their bases have a variety of different colors. Often they are spotted with snowy base colors or dark greens or dark browns. Due to the snow it is hard to recognise them well. Some will say the most mysterious residents appear during winter.


Unlike ploms most treeploms are bigger and have at least three separate branches. Some registered treeploms are over three times taller than a plom! Their base is often similar to a plom, hence the name 'treeplom'. Normal ploms are named after the season they grew up in. Treeploms however will always keep the name 'treeplom'. Some suggest that every plom can turn into a treeplom. But no research has proven this theory yet. Unlike a plom most treeploms have a hard time moving around. They tend to stay in groups and often stay around the same spot throughout the year. A treeplom group often consist of at least four members. The biggest group of treeploms found in Mamorumori forest consisted of twenty-five members. Treeploms protect Mamorumori residents against any type of weather. They provide shadow during the hot summers, they provide shelter against rain and when they are on a mountain side the treeploms catch the rain that falls down the mountain to prevent from overflowing the Mamorumori forest. Treeploms catch substances in the air that are toxic to many residents and turn this into their meals. Some treeploms wash themselves with water that arrives in Mamorumori forest. The leftover water is clean water the other residents can then use for their own. Plum Rabbits take care of treeploms just like ploms, but treeploms tend to need less attention as they are more self-reliant. 

Plum Rabbits

Plum Rabbits are the only permanent fauna residents in the Mamorumori forest. They preserve the flora and research new species. A Plum Rabbit has a wide variety of colors, but can be recognised by their long ears and scarf. They live throughout the entire forest, but often want to live near treeploms, ploms, mountains and fields. Plum Rabbits, unlike rabbits outside of Mamorumori forest, often stay in self-made cabins or cottages. They often live in groups up to five Plum Rabbits per house. However most Plum Rabbits rather live alone as it is easier to build a house that way. Most Plum Rabbits like staying outside and often travel throughout the Mamorumori forest, depending on their responsibilities. 

The founder Rabbit

There is one Plum Rabbit who founded Mamorumori forest. Most residents refer to this Plum Rabbit as The founder Rabbit. It was this Plum Rabbit that gathered friends to build the Mamorumori forest in the autumn of 2019. Due to her dedication and her skills she has created a save forest for many flora and fauna to live in. Even with the current population of Mamorumori forest The founder Rabbit is involved in all processes of the Mamorumori forest. Her biggest project is The Plum Rabbit Adoption Center, founded in early spring 2020 where she is closely involved in finding and taking care of residents that are looking for a home outside of Mamorumori forest. In 2021 over fifty residents have found a new home. 

The Plum Rabbit Adoption Center

Founded in early spring 2020 The Plum Rabbit Adoption Center is an important place of Mamorumori forest. In the center of the forest this place is where residents sign up for adoption to find a new home outside of Mamorumori forest. The founder Rabbit leads this project and many Plum Rabbits support her. The Plum Rabbit Adoption Center has several departments including Travel, Online, Administration and Hospitality. 

Bulky Bears

Bulky Bears often live in Mamorumori forest, but they travel around quite often so you cannot find them at Mamorumori forest all the time. Bulky Bears are very helpful for Plum Rabbits as they are bigger and stronger, making them useful for tough jobs. Because of this some residents are afraid of Bulky Bears. They are one of the biggest residents in Mamorumori forest. Bulky Bears often come in whites, browns or blacks. When they are not helping Plum Rabbits they often sleep at their home. They are not as social as other Mamorumori forest residents. It has been noticed that - Bears do not like working in winter as they rather stay home and sleep. During autumn they often prepare by gathering lots of food, sometimes by fighting eachother over it. 

Fuwa Fuwa Folk

A group of fluffy looking members seem to pass by Mamorumori forest every now and then. This group, defined as Fuwa Fuwa Folk, often are involved in events and trade such as markets and delivering goods. Often being outside of Mamorumori forest the Fuwa Fuwa Folk bring goods and information to Mamorumori forest to sell to residents. Fuwa Fuwa Folk members are fluffy and often have white, black, brown or grey wooly fur. They are often seen with or without horns on their head. Their scarves are often slightly bigger than the scarves of Plum Rabbits. Most of the Fuwa Fuwa Folk are quite knowledgable about the world outside of Mamorumori forest. Even though they are not registrered Mamorumori forest residents they may use The Plum Rabbit Adoption Center to find a new forever home. Fuwa Fuwa Folk often use it to retire from their previous job. Some have a holiday home in Mamorumori forest and others only stay a few nights.

Gero Gero Gama

A certain creature can be often found near the riverside in Mamorumori forest. The Gero Gero Gama are the fishermen of Mamorumori forest. They provide not only food, but also take care of water preservation and flora living in the river. Most Gero Gero Gama sit with a fishing rot at the side of the rivers all day. They are often quite lazy and rarely leave the riverside. Gero Gero Gama build their homes near the river as they require water to stay moist. Some of them will travel outside Mamorumori forest to go home. Gero Gero Gama are often divided into two groups. The first group is slightly bigger and moving slowly whereas the second group is small and quite active.